How can proteomic analysis improve our understanding of the ageing process. Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques!

BioTechniques News
Tristan Free

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In this issue of BioTechniques, we present a novel method for sampling subgingival microbiome, a comparison of three methods for extracting genomic DNA from the shoots of four Dendrocalamus species, and an assessment of a point-of-care device for measuring loop-mediated isothermal amplification reactions.

Technology News

Age is just a number: can proteomic analysis provide insight into the aging body?


A novel method for sampling subgingival microbiome: a comparative metatranscriptomic study

An optimal genomic DNA extraction method for shoots of four Dendrocalamus species based on membership function analysis

Reference genes for gene expression profiling in mouse models of Listeria monocytogenes infection

Assessment of measurement accuracy of amplified DNA using a colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay


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