eBook: 40 years of BioTechniques

BioTechniques News
Annie Coulson

This year is BioTechniques’ 40th birthday! Since 1983, BioTechniques has been publishing the latest life science techniques, methods and protocols. To celebrate, we’ve collated an eBook with our most viewed, cited and popular content from over the years.

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We start with a Foreword, written by our Editors, that was published in our Special Focus journal issue in September. The Foreword looks at the history of the journal, the articles featured in the anniversary issue and some of the groundbreaking advances in laboratory techniques that have happened over the past 40 years.

We’re sharing our 40th birthday with PCR, a staple technique of many life science labs. The well-known method has undergone numerous modifications to enhance its capabilities since its invention 40 years ago, and we’ve included an article that explores its development.

Hate the sound of chewing? Well, it seems that a lot of people do, as our news article on misophonia, a condition that causes exceptionally negative responses to sounds such as chewing, is our most viewed article on the digital site.

My favourite feature of the eBook is an infographic our team created focussing on ten techniques that have made a significant impact in the lab and have featured heavily in our journal: PCR, spatial transcriptomics, cell culture, CRISPR, microscopy, mass spectrometry, chromatography, spectroscopy, flow cytometry and western blot. The infographic explores each technique in a timeline of major developments over the last 40 years.

We’ve also included our most read and most cited journal articles. Our most read article is a Review published in 2005 on real-time PCR for mRNA quantification, which has racked up over 245,000 views over the years. Our most cited article is a Benchmark from 2003 on TM4, a free, open-source system for microarray data management and analysis. The article has been cited over 4200 times, and 42 patents reference the article, according to Altmetric. These articles are prime examples of BioTechniques’ quality publishing over the years, so we thought they deserved their place in this eBook.

A special thank you to Sayali Chandekar, whose image ‘Monstrous osteoclasts’ is featured on the front cover and throughout the eBook. ‘Monstrous osteoclasts’ is the winning image from our image competition this year, and features bone-eating giant multinucleated osteoclasts generated in vitro from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The image was taken in 2022 on a Nikon confocal microscope. You can read more about the image here.

Thank you for supporting BioTechniques. Here’s to another 40 years of publishing!


[ui-tab title=”Contents”]

  • Introduction
  • [FOREWORD] Celebrating 40 years of publishing lab techniques: looking back to look foreword
  • [TECH NEWS] PCR: celebrating 40 years of development
  • [NEWS] Misophonia: why you hate the sound of chewing
  • [INFOGRAPHIC] 40 years of development with BioTechniques
  • [BENCHMARK] TM4: a free, open-source system for microarray data management and analysis
  • [REVIEW] Real-time PCR for mRNA quantitation


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